Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Journey Continues - January 2008

My Journey continues – January 2008
At the age of 60 my learning is continuing today through the discovery of Aboriginal culture and life. Through the passing down of stories and life experiences, all are adding to the richness of my understanding. Aboriginal culture is focused on recording the origins of life (Dreamtime). My life’s journey has been one of turmoil, anger and emotional highs and lows. Being part of the stolen generation has taken me from the point of anger for being denied the experience of being Aboriginal, to understanding why these choices were made. This part of my journey left me struggling for some time with my emotions.This loss of culture evoked some of my deepest feelings, to be reflected through my painting of Creation, Warrior Dreaming, Spirit of Innocence and Father Spirit being part of my Celestial Series and my linking to the Dreamtime. In support of the healing process for the generation of Aboriginal children, mothers, fathers and families of the Stolen Generation, I have committed to canvas a series of paintings depicting the lost spirits of Aboriginal Children. The next stage of my journey took me to a different level of understanding of the justice system, touching me to my inner core; where I could envisage what life was like before first contact to what had been endured over the past two hundred years. So profound was the effect on me I committed this image to canvas. I created Aboriginal Lore.These pieces of art have had a profound effect on white Australians who have viewed this work through my exhibitions. The general comment from the public was that it made the viewer feel the same connection to the past as the artist by the way the image evoked their emotions. This artwork also had a profound effect on close and distant family members. Once they saw this work, they realised my deep connection to my Aboriginality, and are now walking with me in support. What does it mean to truly understand another person? I believe it is through empathy, the process by which we take the place of another, near or far, known or unknown. Empathy bridges the distance between human experiences, (Black and White) binding us to another in deeply personal ways that reflect our potential for shared experience and compassion.

We have to know our history; we are people of our generation. We can look back with admiration, and hope to have some of those qualities that help us to remain true to our time. We have to acknowledge the complexities of our generation – our status and our connections. Through the approval of my community and family it has been acknowledged in my art that I have shown the positive of the dreamtime and how it was for the past 60,000years – I have endeavoured to carry on the age old tradition of telling Dreamtime and Historical stories through my art, in a passive mode. My journey into the future will be reflected in my next series of paintings ’Beneath the surface’.